{1} Active Tickets (11 matches)

  • List all active tickets by priority.
  • Color each row based on priority.

crawler (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Type Owner Status Created Priority
#39 Add support for wildcarded domains crawler defect new 08/31/14 important
#35 Slow down query-rate crawler enhancement new 12/09/13 must-have
#29 crawler: inconsistent data from different servers crawler enhancement new 05/20/13 important

distserver (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Type Owner Status Created Priority
#5 Automatic crawling and job control distserver enhancement new 03/07/13 important
#17 Brute-force closest enclosers and corresponding wildcard records distserver enhancement new 05/02/13 important
#37 Perform plausibility checks on results distserver enhancement schwittmann new 01/28/14 important
#9 Rebuild hashblobs from time to time when hashes have been found distserver enhancement new 03/07/13 important

nsec3breaker (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Type Owner Status Created Priority
#16 Add dot to character set of candidate domain names nsec3breaker enhancement new 05/02/13 nice-to-have
#43 Allow setting the preferred job type (bf|dict|markov) nsec3breaker enhancement new 02/29/16 nice-to-have
#10 Change meaning of client 'accepted' flag to 'trusted' nsec3breaker enhancement new 04/02/13 nice-to-have
#41 Rewrite Markov implementation with backtracking optimization nsec3breaker enhancement new 09/15/14 nice-to-have
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