{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (33 matches)

(empty) (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#43 Images from different folders collide new defect major 08/03/15
#30 Install captcha plugin for anonymous trac tickets closed fixed task major 03/24/14
#42 License is missing closed fixed task minor weis 01/08/14
#41 Copy template images to destination folder new enhancement major 06/10/13
#40 Spam occurrs despite captcha closed fixed task major 06/10/13
#28 'pre.nosyntax' had padding:2px but 'pre' has not new defect minor 11/05/12
#27 Regression: print mode layout broken closed fixed defect major 10/11/12
#25 Print mode: label, badge and progress have incorrect CSS style closed fixed defect major 10/11/12
#24 Print mode: table is missing colored background closed fixed defect major 10/11/12
#23 Print mode: embedded code is missing colored background closed fixed defect major 10/11/12
#26 Print mode: fill color of bar chart is incorrect new defect major 10/08/12
#22 Print mode: Images have a thick black border instead of a light grey one new defect major 10/08/12
#21 Nested bullet points won't shrink if placed in table layout closed fixed defect major 10/02/12
#10 www and trunk/doc directory are duplicate closed fixed task major wander 09/15/12
#4 Project name is ambiguous closed fixed task major 08/30/12
#20 Support empty strings as X values in chart new enhancement major 08/29/12
#15 Slides: clicking bib references does not work as expected closed fixed defect major 08/28/12
#19 No italics shortcut closed fixed enhancement minor 08/27/12
#18 Slides overview broken closed fixed defect major 08/19/12
#17 Slides overview: first click on title does nothing closed fixed defect major 08/16/12
#16 Slides: Progress bar support in tables closed fixed enhancement major 08/09/12
#14 Support UTF-8 closed fixed enhancement major 08/09/12
#13 img command ignores CSS style closed fixed defect major 08/09/12
#12 Slides: loses slide position when reloading document closed fixed defect major 08/08/12
#8 References should be clickable closed fixed enhancement major 08/08/12
#9 Support code blocks without syntax highlighting closed fixed enhancement major 08/08/12
#11 Slides: li lines should have default CSS classes closed fixed enhancement major 08/08/12
#7 Slides: fix margin-left for default paragraphs closed fixed defect major 08/08/12
#5 Add date to first slide closed wontfix enhancement major 08/08/12
#6 Support empty lines in bullet list closed wontfix enhancement major 08/08/12
#3 Template images are not inlined new defect minor 07/30/12
#2 Do not always call prettyPrint in body onload closed fixed defect major 07/29/12
#1 test ticket closed fixed defect major 07/24/12
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